The Castle Movie App provides a number of parental controls that help in controlling the access of content to younger viewers. Probably the most common is setting a limit on the rating of the content. For example, parents can lock out films rated above a certain level, say R-rated or TV-MA. That is pretty helpful for families who have children that might accidentally see something inappropriate. In fact, 72% of parents use these kinds of filters on streaming services, according to a 2023 study by the Digital Media Association.
The Castle movie application allows the creation of different user profiles, each with various settings. It would, therefore, be upon one’s discretion to limit and block any content specific to every child’s unique profile. For example, parents might set restrictions limiting one child to PG-13 and another to ‘G-rated’ movies alone. A feature that helped to lessen the chances by 40% of exposure of kids to age-restricted contents according to a recent report presented by Consumer Reports back in 2024.
Besides, the app allows parents to set limits on screen time. The user can indicate for how many hours per day, or at what time of the day, their children can use the app. This is quite relevant, considering the fact that 53% of parents report concerns with screen time in their kids, according to a survey taken by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2023.
Other impressive parental controls in the Castle movie app include the blocking of titles. If a parent can make out what their child should not watch, they are free to bar such films or shows manually. This amount of control is seen to be one of the significant selling points, especially where various family members have different preferences over what to watch and not to watch.
Other important settings that play a huge role in the app’s parental control system are Security and Privacy. Any personal data shared while creating the profile or any content preference is kept secure using a 256-bit encryption standard, hence making these profiles secure and tamper-proof.
For more details about the features of castle movie app, follow the link:.